Fract — Release Candidate


First I hope you are doing well during this crazy apocalyptic global health crisis. If you are kind-of stuck at home, I guess creating some pretty fractals is just what you need and thus I published a release candidate of Fract. Featuring Orbit Traps:

Orbit Trap in the Mandelbrot Antenna

And MinMaxTraps:

MinMax Trap in one of the dendrites of the Mandelbrot Set.

And Lyapunov Fractals.

Not Zirkon Zity but quite similar

Most likely, I will fully release it making this Version 1.0.0 of a new adventure of Fractals in Android. Fractview will still be here, and since most users of Fract might have already familiarized themselves with Fractview, here is a short list of the most important differences in Functions:

  • Instead of “z^2 + p” it is now “z^2 + c”, ie, “c” is now the parameter in functions. This is the more common way, also in other fractal apps.
  • The function “arc” draws an arc. In order to get the angle of a complex number, use “arg” (short for “argument” which is the mathematically correct term).
  • The function “abs” for complex numbers returns the absolute value, ie, “abs(z)” is “sqrt(re z^2 + im z^2)” which used to be “rad(z)” in Fractview (“rad(z)” still works though). If you want the component-wise absolute value (which is used in the Burning Ship fractal or in Simonbrot), use “cabs”.
  • To access the real and imaginary part of a complex number “z” use “re z” and “im z”. “z.x” and “z.y” do not work.
  • And the next value of z is now “nextZ” (in Fractview I guess it was “zNext”), and dually “lastZ”. Also, there are shortcuts for “abs nextZ”, “nextZ – z” and “abs (nextZ – z)” which are “radZ”, “dz” and “radDz”.

So, this will be version 1.0.0 (not quite, I just found a bug when trying to share my Favorites with you, so a small fix is needed; I also will change some colorizations and add a complex function draw program). Fract is now pretty much feature complete with Fractview, and now, an amazing journey will start since Fract has way more technical possibilities. Something to look forward to during these crazy times.

Lovely orbit trap.

— Karl

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