Fract 1.0.0

Today, Fract will be officially released. Compared to the release candidates I added a program to visualize complex functions. Did you ever wanted to see the function “sin log z ^ 2”? It is pretty:

The function “sin log z ^ 2” using domain coloring log 2

Lots of work went into this release, and it paid off. Fract is amazingly stable (there is only one crash reported. If you are a beta tester with a Samsung Galaxy A70 (a70q), 5632MB RAM, Android 9 and you used Fract on Mar-24 at 12:29, please contact me). It should also work on Intel-based Android phones. It is very modular in its design, and it has one feature that I better tell you about now before I get some angry bug reports:

Implicit parameters

There are many interesting fractal formulas. For instance, let’s assume that you want to look at “z^a – z^b + c” where “a” and “b” are just some values. In Fractview it was necessary to use concrete values. Fract now sees that there is some unknown symbol “a” and “b” and it will assume that it is just some parameter that you want to fill out yourself. This is very useful eg for the generic lambda fractal or the Cczcpacczcp-fractal of the beautiful element90-blog.

But careful. If you want to look at a function “log (z + 1) * c” but you accidentially type “lig (z +1) * c”, then Fract will assume that “lig” is such an implicit parameter and set its value to 0. Which just reminds me, I really should start and finish have written a list with all constants and functions.

A zoom into the Generic Mandelbrot of Power 3

So, I guess I will now start writing the tutorial, there is the quick start guide already, and otherwise, happy fractaling, stay healthy and provide feedback šŸ™‚

P.S.: Similar to Fract, you can import and export your favorites (and color palettes). Here is a collection of my current favorites (on Google Drive, since WordPress does not like zip-files).

— Karl

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