
On Orbit Start-Points (z0)

Fractals like the mandelbrot set are generated using a function (in caseof the mandelbrot set it is “f(z) = z^2 + c”) that is repeatedly appliedto itself, thus generating the sequence “z0, f(z0), f(f(z0))” etc… Picking a proper start value “z0” is important to obtain nice results, in particular to find smaller Mandelbrot Sets embedded…

Update 1.2.0

New update, yey 🙂 For now in the beta channel, main release within the next days. There are many improvements in this one, in particular in the Storage Backend. But the most obvious one – a new icon. The easter egg was just too lovely, so I thought, maybe I can use a similar image…

Mandelbrot Set Program

Hello again. I would like to explain a bit the Sample programs of Fract, combined with a kind-of walk-though to generating some amazing pictures. For starters I would like to explain how to reach this image: So, in Fract there are three things: Programs that render the image, parameters that are injected into the program,…

Color Drop – Update Version 1.1.0

Hello everybody! I hope you are doing fine and healthy. To pass the time, I finished a new update, special thanks goes to Martin Fooks for valuable input (most important: Saving images in Android 8+9 should work now). So, what changed? But first, a Mandelbrot Set in a Newton Set using Orbit Traps: Best things…

Happy Easter – Version 1.0.2 and something about colors

Hello again. Fract has been released more than two weeks ago and in the meantime I found some annoying bugs. The most important most likely when I was looking for easter eggs in Fract (Is this egg-thing international or just European?). Finally, I found this easter egg but it took some time. Lovely, right? Kind…

Something Fun – Version 1.0.1

Aaaaaand… Next release (well, for 1-2 days in the beta track), and it is a fun one. Yes, I have a strange sense of humor concerning fun, but actually it is. Let me show you: Yes, there is a new menu point in the settings – “Edit Light Direction on Screen”. Well, what does it…

Fract – A bit of technical details

This blog post could have been called “Under the hood”. I would like to explain some of the design goals of Fract, and important differences to Fractview. Furthermore, it provides some technical details. It is not essential information to use Fract, but it might be interesting for some of you. Calculation Parameters and Bitmap Parameters…

Fract 1.0.0

Today, Fract will be officially released. Compared to the release candidates I added a program to visualize complex functions. Did you ever wanted to see the function “sin log z ^ 2”? It is pretty: Lots of work went into this release, and it paid off. Fract is amazingly stable (there is only one crash…

Fract — Release Candidate

Hello, First I hope you are doing well during this crazy apocalyptic global health crisis. If you are kind-of stuck at home, I guess creating some pretty fractals is just what you need and thus I published a release candidate of Fract. Featuring Orbit Traps: And MinMaxTraps: And Lyapunov Fractals. Most likely, I will fully…

Welcome, welcome, welcome…

Welcome to Fract, my fractal generator. This blog will be about these little furry mathematical monsters called fractals. There will be also a tutorial, there already is a quick-start-guide and other stuff. So, let’s start. Fract is written in Kotlin and Java, highly modularized, it uses Renderscript to speed up calculation and it contains a…

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