Update 1.2.0

New update, yey 🙂 For now in the beta channel, main release within the next days. There are many improvements in this one, in particular in the Storage Backend. But the most obvious one – a new icon. The easter egg was just too lovely, so I thought, maybe I can use a similar imageContinue reading “Update 1.2.0”

Color Drop – Update Version 1.1.0

Hello everybody! I hope you are doing fine and healthy. To pass the time, I finished a new update, special thanks goes to Martin Fooks for valuable input (most important: Saving images in Android 8+9 should work now). So, what changed? But first, a Mandelbrot Set in a Newton Set using Orbit Traps: Best thingsContinue reading “Color Drop – Update Version 1.1.0”

Happy Easter – Version 1.0.2 and something about colors

Hello again. Fract has been released more than two weeks ago and in the meantime I found some annoying bugs. The most important most likely when I was looking for easter eggs in Fract (Is this egg-thing international or just European?). Finally, I found this easter egg but it took some time. Lovely, right? KindContinue reading “Happy Easter – Version 1.0.2 and something about colors”

Fract — Release Candidate

Hello, First I hope you are doing well during this crazy apocalyptic global health crisis. If you are kind-of stuck at home, I guess creating some pretty fractals is just what you need and thus I published a release candidate of Fract. Featuring Orbit Traps: And MinMaxTraps: And Lyapunov Fractals. Most likely, I will fullyContinue reading “Fract — Release Candidate”

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